Apr 26, 2008

Which one are you?

Here's an interesting post about multiple Facebook personalities I read the other day. Find out if you are a Crusader, De-tagger, Late Bloomer, Minimalist, Poser, etc.

I'm trying to decide which category I fall into. Unfortunately (or fortunately) none of them fit me that well, though I'll admit I'm a bit of a Crusader at times.

For those of you that discover you're indeed a Stalker, Awkward Adder, or Poser please feel free to remove our status as Facebook friends. Or let me know, so I can do so.

And if you're reading this on JohninOrlando.com, which means you might be one of the 220 million Americans without Facebooks, what are you waiting on?

1 comment:

Amber said...

The Past-Primer - Usually graduated from college before 2000, and thus, missed the boat. The Past-Primer has fewer than 100 friends, a photo collection of random shots over the past 10 years and wall posts consisting of “OMG I haven’t seen you in forever!!”

The Poker - Even though poking has no stated purpose, that doesn’t stop The Poker from initiating an unheard of amount of “poke wars” every time they sign on. Although you think poking was so 2006, they respectfully disagree. Poke back if you dare.


I'm going to call myself the PAST-PRIMER-POKER!

Although I did just cross the 100 friend mark, so I think I'm pretty cool.