Apr 21, 2008

Manic Monday is Here!

Dear loyal readers (all 3 of you),

It's that time of the week again. You know the one, where all of your crazy weekend shenanigans have winded down and it's time to get serious again. 

For some of you it's back to your real life version of Office Space.  For others of you who are still lucky enough to call yourself a student, it's back to school.  

And for still others, it's just another day in paradise (meaning you're mooching off your parents and trying to decide what to do with your life.)

Regardless of what your consider your 9 to 5, it's Monday which means its back to the daily grind. 

Need something to help take a little bit of the edge off?  Well you're in luck.  Manic Monday is here and promises to be funny, frenzied, and frantic.  To kick it off, here's a rare shot of my step-dad Roger.

Here's hoping for a manic-free rest of the week.


Amber said...

Looks like your step dad has a case of the "Moooooondays!"


Amber said...

Now I've got that Bangels song stuck in my head. "Just another Manic Monday ... oooooo ... wish it were a Sunday ... oooooo ... that's my fun day!".


John in Orlando said...

Haha, if only my step-dad had seen Office Space. I'll have to tell him to put it on the list. (Though I don't think it's exactly my parents kind of fare.)