Feb 29, 2008

I Need Your Blog!

I've been told that I should add a blog roll of my friends and other assorted cool people who's blogs I read each week. If you have a blog, please let me know so I can be sure to add it to my list. (I went ahead and added a few, so check to see if you're already on this list.)

On a side note, I hope you're making the most of your extra day this year. If you think about it, that's a pretty cool gift every four years.

Have a great weekend!

Feb 25, 2008

Why the Future is FREE!

Google's doing it. Mozilla/Firefox is doing it. Linux practically invented the "business model" for it. The internet has only begun to revolutionize our lives and much of it's destiny seems to lie in the ability to serve up "free" content.

Free is relative after all since you generally end up "paying" for free web services through advertising or a share of your eyeballs really. But that's a whole other post altogether. Back to the issue at hand.

Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine, has a very interesting article about this trend. In fact, I would say that the Free Train is leaving the station and he's the one driving. If your a business geek like me, or if you like free stuff (which is pretty much everyone I know), be sure to check it out here.


Feb 17, 2008

Just Words?

Just Words? What do you think? Who owns the copyright on these words? Most people say that some of the words Barack Obama recently used belong to Martin Luther King, Jr, Thomas Jefferson, and John F. Kennedy. Others say they belong to Deval Patrick.

But who truly owns any of these ideas or words? Even before King, Jefferson, and Kennedy, there was John Locke, Booker T. Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and many many others that came before them.

After the politicking subsides and the media spin beings to slow, what should we do? Is it better to act as copyright police or rather engage in the conversation and see how we can put these great ideals into action?

If you want to see more, check out the more than 1,300 videos already posted to YouTube over these war of words.

2008: Year of Change

With the exception of a few, most New Year's Days come and go as I resolve not to declare a 365 day long resolution. This year was no different. In the weeks leading up to December 31st, I asked myself if there was one resounding thing I wanted to focus on this year.

I thought of my desire to becoming a better listener, to being more patient, to traveling more, or to reading God's Word on a more regular basis (...or to actually find my Bible for that matter.) I digress.

But as we entered 2008, one single word kept resonating in my mind: change. This year we will see change in the White House, the economy, possibly Iraq, and hopefully change in politics as usual. But beyond Washington, and on a more personal level, I hope to see change over the next 10 1/2 months. At work, with friends, and most importantly with myself.

Change can be a mixed bag of tricks. Some is good and some is bad, the only difference is how we choose to deal with it. Every day (slowly but surely) we are changing...for better or worse. Either we are heading towards a slightly better person than we were the day before, or slightly worse. It's our choice.

I for one am looking forward to 2008: Year of Change. There's sure to be good times and bad times, often beyond our control. But at the end of the day, how we deal with the ups and downs will determine what shoes we'll be wearing at the end of the year.

Feb 16, 2008

It's About Time

You have one, your little brother has one, and by next week your dog will probably have one. No I'm not talking about an iPhone, though that would be nice. Of course, I’m referring to a blog.

After much internal debate with myself, I have decided to go with blogger as my official blogging site. I chose blogger partly for its ease of use, but mostly because its schweet features. Though I'm still learning how to use some of them, so drop me a line if you have some inside scoop.

But back to the content which is why we read or watch anything to begin with. It’s my humble opinion that the blogosphere is high on volume but low on quality. I hope to do my small part to change that. I hereby promise not to post a two page dissertation on the decline of moral and religious standards in today’s marketplace (feel free to say happy holidays if it really makes you feel warm inside.)

Instead I wish to focus on issues I hold more dear: marketing since it pays the bills, music because I love it, politics when called for, people because they're interesting, and everything else under the sun.

So here’s to you and me and the future of our online relationship. Without your readership or, better yet, your comments I am merely posting a conversation with myself. I don’t know about you, but that sounds really boring to me. So for both of our sakes, I hope it works out.