Aug 13, 2008

The Bible: Magazine Style

What if the Bible was a "264-page glossy magazine" instead of the 1000 plus pages many of us are use to? That's a question Dag Söderberg is happy to answer. Recently launched in Sweden, his Bible Illuminated book is coming to the US later this Fall.

The controversial book is a new take on the storied text that is meant to be a "hip, relatable, coffee-table book kind of Bible." Söderberg's book is sure to stir up quite a storm amongst Christian circles in the States. I can envision two sides to this argument.

Side A will say this is blasphemous and not something that aligns with God's teachings. Side B will argue that it's a creative attempt at making God's Word relevant to today's culture and should be given a shot.

What say you?

HT to BrandFlakesForBreakfast


Anonymous said...

I'd be more likely to take Side B. It's the same reason I enjoy contemporary worship over sitting through a traditional church service.

John in Orlando said...

Shelly, I'll have to see the magazine to make up mind.

But I agree with you that Christ's message should be made relevant to both it's origin and the culture in which it is presently communicated.

A tough line to walk at times.