Feb 5, 2009

Signal to Noise Ratio

We live in a fast-paced, in your face kind of world. Messages seem to bombard us from the moment we rise to the time we go to bed at night. Some of that noise is a choice, and some of it isn't.

I know for sure that I spend way too much time online. And I also have a tendency to turn the TV on the minute I walk in the door...often just for background noise.

But something occurred to me this week is how much power you and I have to weed out the noise. DVR, RSS feeds, power off buttons, etc give us the power to either scale back noise or shut it out completely.

Ironic isn't it? Technology has not only given us an unprecedented amount of noise, it has also given us the ability to tune that noise out (and simultaneously amplify the signal.)

But technology aside. I think the same thing can apply to our friendships and relationships. We often spend a ton of time practicing the noise (daily conversations, routines, etc) and forget about what signals we've been sending (love, joy, affirmation or a lack there of).

Here's to a broadcasting a better signal, and reducing some of the noise.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I'm listening to TV background noise right now! :0(