Jan 23, 2009

You Influence Me

If you're reading this right now, you've influenced me. You may not realize it. Perhaps it was in a major way with a close friendship, or just something you posted a few days ago that I read in passing.

Either way, I want you to know that it affected me. I share that, to say this: you have more influence than you know.

In today's hyper-connected world, we encounter hundreds (if not thousands) of messages a day. Phone calls, text messages, banner ads, emails, tweets, facebook posts, etc.

Our generation can't lift a finger without telling the world about it. And the interesting thing is, influence is a double edged sword. There's the positive kind and the negative kind. But regardless, you are influencing those around you (and virtually connected to you) in more ways than you can begin to fathom.

So why not dial down the negative banter, and step up the inspirational blog posts and words of advice? I for one would really appreciate it.

Get your weekly influence fix, subscribe to john blog.


Anonymous said...

I rarely comment on your posts (though I am subscribed), but this one deserved an applause. Keep up the refreshing writing, old friend.

Amber said...

Good stuff. I know I've influenced you since I can tell you're becoming a Rays fan more and more each day. :0)