Oct 15, 2008

Change Costs Just $25 and 10 minutes

Today is October 15. But today is also Blog Action Day 2008. Today thousands of bloggers all around the world are talking about one thing: poverty.

To be fair I don't have much experience with this subject, and if you're reading this you don't either. But we have only to see a few pictures on the news to know it's real.

In the past, it was easy to look at these graphic images and ask (or more likely assume) that our government was doing their part to provide aid to some of these third world countries.

But no longer. Today, each of us has the ability to act and directly impact a family's life across the globe. Thanks to microlending sites like, Kiva.org, you can contribute directly to the impoverished.

If you have $25 and 10 minutes, you can send a loan to an entrepreneur in a third world country immediately. Within 6-12 months, you get your money back and you can then lend it to the next person.

Kossi Agbadzi is married and the father of 5 children. Kossi buys and resells coffee and cocoa products in Danyi, a village located approximately 175 kilometers from Lomé, the capital of Togo. With this loan, he wishes to buy more products for resale.

Go ahead. What are you waiting for? Stop talking about changing the world, and change one person's world today. Right now.

I just did. It took ten minutes to loan $25 to Kossi. He's now at 79% of his $1,050 goal and that much closer to a better life for him and his family.

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