Sep 17, 2008

Finding Your One Thing

Take it from Curly, he knows what he's talking about. The most successful brands in the world got there by owning one single word or phrase in the mind of the consumer. Volvo = Safety, Google = Search, Disney = Family, Apple = Creative, BMW = Performance.

Rather than spending millions in advertising ALL of your company's points of difference from your competition. Why not, instead focus all of your efforts (product, advertising, PR, promotions, etc) on one single word?

Enter web 2.o and the power of crowdsourcing. Noah Brier, the genius behind, asks visitors to play a game of word association to sum up their impressions of major brands in one word or phrase.

What a remarkably simple way to allow companies to gauge their brand's position in consumers' minds. Check it out, and be sure to add your two cents while you're there.

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