Jul 24, 2008

Liberally Thinking

What does it mean to be liberal?  Think liberally, vote liberally, worship liberally, etc?  And on the opposite side of the spectrum, what does it mean to practice all of those things conservatively?

I would say thinking liberally means you're open minded and free to consider new points of views.  You have a very high tolerance, with the possible exception of intolerant people.  Voting liberally, in the U.S. today generally means you vote for a Democrat.   And as for worshipping liberally, I would think it depends on the context, but you certainly don't follow much of a routine and have a significant disdain for dogma.

As for conservatively thinking...I would say you very much know what you believe and why you believe it.  You listen to someone else's opinion, but depending on how much it varies from yours you might be thinking they're a bit crazy to think such things.  As for voting, you check the Grand 'Ol Party's box almost to a fault, and sometimes regardless of the candidate.  Worshipping conservatively might mean you've attended the same church your entire life and maybe even sat in the same pew, shook hands with the same people, and talked about the same things week in and week out.

Before I continue, please don't think I'm trying to berate or offend anyone. I'm merely trying to lay out two seemingly opposing ideas as I am working through how they affect my views and beliefs.  If there's a sliding scale with liberal on one end and conservative on the other, I'm trying to figure out where I land on that scale.

When you get right down to it, each of us has an opinion about where we stand on this sliding scale of ideals.  Over the last year, where I land on that scale has shifted.  Because of that, I am thinking differently about my particular flavor of politics, faith, etc.

What about you? Have you thought about where you land on the liberal vs. conservative scale? And if so, how does that affect various beliefs in your life?

1 comment:

RR said...

Here is my take... I think both sides want the best for the U.S. but they differ on how they define 'the best' and how to achieve it.

Being conservative means you have traditional values and beliefs. It means you believe there is a right way to treat people, live your life, and contribute to society based on a set of beliefs. The determination of what is right and wrong is typically based on biblical or parental/family teachings. Being a conservative is about encouraging individuals to be self-sufficient and not dependent on the government to provide for them.

I think being a liberal means your beliefs are based on what feels good or what seems better for society as a whole. You want to be inclusive of all people, behaviors, and you care about how you fit in to today's attitudes. It means you want the government to take a little from everyone to provide more things for people.

I am not a big fan of politicians in general. None of them think the way I do or value all the things I value and they will spin or say anything to get your vote. But when my choices are between someone who shares some of my views or a candidate who shares none of my views it makes my voting decision very easy.