Feb 19, 2009

2009: Re-Focus Everything

From time to time, I like to brand certain seasons with a particular theme that I feel sums them up appropriately. In the past there was the "Summer of No Regrets", a year of "Stop Thinking, Start Doing", and "2008: Year of Change".

With our economy in a meltdown, two questionable wars being fought, continuing unrest in the Middle East, job losses crossing into the millions, and countless cases of social injustice...it's time for action.

As I begin to think about what our collective future in 2009 will hold, it seems to me that it's time to re-focus...everything.

We can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines as the world spins madly on. It's time for us to step up to the plate, and begin making some tough decisions.

Maybe you're living in a house two sizes larger than what you wallet can bare. It's time to downsize. Maybe you're working in a dead end job. Yes the market is tight, but it's time to dust off the 'ol resume and get back out there. Perhaps you've been watching from afar as some struggle to find clean drinking water an ocean away. It's time to sign up to help.

In fact, I think the toughest (and most immediate need) we have hits a bit closer to home. I think we, which means me, need to spend the next year re-focusing our hearts, goals, and passions.

Like I said, it's time to get off the sidelines. It's time to act. It's time to change. It's time to re-focus.

Re-focus your reading in 2009, subscribe to john blog.

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