Jul 13, 2008

Who's in your phone?

As many of you know I recently got a new phone...or computer that just happens to make calls too. In the process, I had to re-enter all of my contact information. A pretty straightforward process to be sure, but it makes you reacess all of the people's numbers in your phone.

Really I'm not talking about numbers, but people. Who's in your phone? Do you prefer a small list of your closest friends/relatives. Or instead do you like to display nearly anyone and everyone you have ever called (or think you might one day.)

The same philosophy applies to your Facebook list of friends. Do you have 50 friends you know really well, or 500 (including the 50 you know well?)

I happen to fall on the more the merrier side of the scale. If only to play the occasional catch up once a year or so with one of the 450 that I don't know well. And in the meantime, I'm surrounding myself with people that I want to share influence with. They list the latest music their listening to or post photos of their most recent trip to Disneyland. All of which has an influence on me.

So back to the phone. Right now I'm at a little over 50 of my closest friends, family, and co-workers. But I'll be continuing to add to my circle of friends' numbers. So if you've updated your number recently, please by all means be sure to email me.


1 comment:

Jared said...

you loving the phone...? i'm getting one soon