Jul 29, 2008

Drinks, One Liners, and Courtship

I received a promotional offer from Men's Health Magazine recently in the mail that has made me rethink the current state of courtship today. The flyer was loaded with teasers of reasons to subscribe to the monthly publication. In addition to the usual articles about how to "Lose Your Gut" and "Muscle Up Your Diet" there were articles about dating.

Some highlights include: "Double Her Heat", "Moves that Melt", and "Hottest E-mails You Can Send." Suddenly it struck me. This is the men's version of Cosmo. It's all about looking better and tips on how to score.

But looking beyond the surface, what are media like this saying about courtship today? If you just memorize the right lines, moves, etc you can land a gorgeous gal and have lots of hot passionate sex before moving on to the next one.

In my opinion courtship today has become more of a cheap parlor trick than a formal, well-thought out process. That's why I love the guys over at The Art of Manliness who have posted a call to Stop Hanging Out With Women and Start Dating Them.

Besides flowers leave a much longer lasting impression on a damsel than anything you could run up on a tab at the local bar.


Brett said...

Hey John-

Thanks for the link. I'm glad you enjoy the blog. Interestingly enough, reading through Men's Health is what inspired me to start AoM. I basically had the same reaction as you-"Is this all there is to being a man? Sex and six pack abs?" And actually I was having a conversation with some guys today who used the exact label for MH as you did, "Cosmo for guys."

I'm glad there's other men out there who are interested in a more traditional understanding of what being a man is about.

John in Orlando said...

Brett, thanks for the comment. Please keep up the good work over at Art of Manliness!