Jun 25, 2008

100 Thing Challenge

I just found this site the other day via a Time article about a guy that's decided to whittle his belongings down to 100 things.

It's call the 100 Thing Challenge and the idea has recently taken off. It's simple. Some guy decided we live in an extremely cluttered society. Instead of having the occasional yard sale every half decade, he decided to do something a bit more drastic.

I applaud him not only for his dedication to de-clutter, but for his stance on simplifying his approach to life. I wonder what my life would look like if I began to whittle away at all of the things I don't really need or even use for that matter.

In fact, I wonder if this concept applies to more than just material things. What would our lives look like if we reduced emotional, relational, or psychological clutter that affects us and builds up like piles of old used junk. I wonder what sort of things we would be able to focus on that really matter.

Just a thought.

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