Apr 8, 2008

Dear Obama Haters

Give it up. At the risk of jinxing the guy, I'm going to go ahead and make things much easier for all parties involved. Barack Obama is going to win the DNC's nomination this summer (the smart money is saying sometime in June.) Then he will go on to win the election on Nov. 4th, 2008 and be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States in January.

Oh and in case you were wondering, by my calculations he has about a 87.6% chance of winning re-election in 2012. That is assuming of course he doesn't have any major missteps in his first term in office. And there's always the outside chance that the Clintons will try to impeach him.

As for anyone that's caught up in the Clinton/Obama scandal or mildly enthusiastic about the GOP's chances this year...it's okay. No one's going to judge you for those thoughts and hopes of yours. I'm just trying to give you the heads up that its not going to work out for you this time.

My advice would be to take a look at the potential field of candidates for 2016. And watch out for the Independent Party, they will be more than fed up with the polarization of our two party system and be looking for a well spoken leader with a familiar face. Mark my words, we have not seen the last of the Ron Paul "Revolutionaries."

That said, I do hope that Barack Obama is able to back up all of his "soaring rhetoric" and actually make some (if only a small) change in politics as usual in Washington. Is there a chance he could be the next Jimmy Carter? Sure, but I'll take that over George W's third term as some are calling a McCain Presidency. (And I voted for the man, twice.)

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