Nov 1, 2008

A Note On Conservative Christian Republicans

A few nights ago I stumbled upon a Facebook note from my friend Rachel.

It's addressed to "Conservative Christian Republicans" (but specifically one's that blur the line between faith and politics.)

If you have a few minutes and want to read something that will cause you to rethink a few things, by all means click here.


Jared said...

So she has read Claiborne, Mclaren and Bell... I get those dumb emails every day too, but telling me to love homosexuals (agreed) and stop hating abortionist (agreed)doesn't help anyone on Nov 4th, because no candidate is running on love and acceptance.

When people rant about politics, especially when they pick a side to expose, I always wonder if they are inadvertantly plugging someone(I know I would be).
Can we conclude that she is voting for Obama? If so, I hope that she believes he is the right candidate to vote "for" and that she is not voting "against" republican christians...

John in Orlando said...

I agree with you about voting FOR a candidate, and not just against the other guy (or his constituents.)

What's interesting is that she's making the point that faith and politics don't mix well.

I happen to believe that separation of church and state is a good thing. Just as I don't agree with governmental involvement in the church, I also don't agree with the church trying to legislate moral behavior.