May 7, 2008


I need to get something off my chest.  If you've read my blog before, you know that I like to opine about a wide variety of topics.  The majority of my posts are upbeat, thoughtful, or funny (at least I'd like to think they are.)

But I'd like to take a brief hiatus from that to write about something I've felt lately: frustration. I've been frustrated lately at a wide variety of things.  Without going into too many details, I'll just say that some of those things are people or specifically their decisions, politicians, certain companies, and even my beat up car (oh the noises it makes.)  And the list goes on and on.

There's something inside of me that wants to positively change and influence people and situations around me.  I can't fully explain it, other than to say I always want things to be better tomorrow than they are today.

So back to those frustrated feelings.  I'm beginning to better understand that there are many things that are simply beyond my control (that's an understatement.)  Even certain things that I think I can affect are often not so easily changed.  

I'm trying to better understand the things in my life that I can affect and separate those from the things that I can't.  By doing so I hope to worry less about the things that are simply beyond my control.  And concentrate more on those things that I can influence.

Working on it.

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