I came across an interesting post the other day on sex, called "
The Virtuous Life: Chastity." Between that article, a
great book I'm reading right now, and a particular VH1 series, I have sex on the brain (not to mention a certain Salt n' Pepa song thanks to my title.)
Ah yes, sex. That dirty little three letter word that stands for so many things. It's your gender, activities associated with sexual intercourse, all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses, etc. Regardless of the definition, we're constantly reminded of it's presence all around us. From the movies we watch to the clothes we buy, it's everywhere.
If you ask your four closest friends what they think about sex, you'll get four uniquely different answers. In some circles, it's still considered taboo to even discuss the topic. Our view towards sex is heavily influenced by our religion, culture, gender, peer group, mass media, parents, and so on.
But when you get right down to it, it's a very personal thing. Or should I say, it's a very interpersonal thing shared between two people (perhaps more than that for some.) In general, I think our culture has come to treat sex entirely too casual. It's not. If sexual activity is a sliding scale from chastity (1) to promiscuity (10), and you score a perfect 10, I would argue that sex is still something of importance to you.
article that prompted this post makes several valid points along those lines. Regardless what you might say when bragging or gossiping amongst friends, the truth is you agree that sex is something of incredible value. If you're treating it as such, great. If not, then why not?